

        普通人在每十分鐘的談話中會說三個謊話,但Cal Lightman博士(Tim Roth)卻可通過分析一個人的臉、身體、聲音和話語來察覺真相。他是世界領先的偵探專家,一個研究面部表情和隨機肢體語言來探索你是否撒謊以及為何撒謊的科學家。當一個人不經意地聳肩,搓手,或者揚起下嘴唇,Lightman就知道他們在撒謊。通過對臉部表情的分析,他可以讀懂一個人的感情--從隱藏在心底的憎惡,到性的衝動,再到嫉妒。但是Lightman深知,他的科學能力對於他的私人生活來說既是天賜之福,也是詛咒。


        本劇由《TheEvidence》的編劇和《24》、《Arrested Development》的執行製片人SamuelBaum打造,劇情設定似乎和CBS正在熱播的《TheMentalist》非常相似。但兩者有一個顯著的不同:本劇根據真人真事改編本劇的靈感來源於行為學專家PaulEkman博士的真實研究,他能夠發掘深埋在人類臉部、身體和聲音裡的線索,然後將犯罪調查中的真實與謊言昭示天下。

        本劇中的男主人公Cal Lightman領導著當地一家名叫 "Lightman集團"的私人研究機構,受聘於政府、FBI、當地員警、法律公司、大型企業乃至於私人,解決各種棘手問題。男主角來演電視劇讓人眼睛一亮,已經是大螢幕等級的巨星竟然會接手這種影集,實在是令人眼睛為之一亮。也許你想不起tim roth是誰,他的作品如 "The Incredible Hulk","ReservoirDogs","pulp fiction",覺得他實在是稍微年輕版的艾爾帕西諾,眼睛很會說話,臉上每一條肌肉都能自由控制,表演的很有深度,這個角色真的非他莫屬。 他自己曾導演的電影,曾經入圍奧斯卡最佳導演,另外他的小孩也是表演者(小孩都跟我差不多大了!),從事演員玩音樂等等活動,感覺他是那種非常熱愛他的職業的人。溫習一下他的演出吧!






        協助Cal Lightman開展調查的,是行為主義心理學早期的創始人和著名專家:Gillian FosterKelli Williams,"ThePractice")。Gillian是具有天賦的心理學家,也是Lightman的專業搭檔,兩人在這一領域既棋逢對手,又相得益彰--Gillian關注大局而Lightman關注細節,他們在一起能很好地平衡合作。Lightman正需要Gillian這樣能夠透視人類行為的人來指導自己--不管他是否覺察到了這一點。 

的另一個助手名叫Will LokerBrendanHines"Terminator: The Sarah ConnorChronicles"),似乎學歷很高,因為他被ria男朋友說市場春藤先生。首席研究員,善於思考但是不善言辭,似乎從來就不是說謊的料。相反的,他對於人類喜歡撒謊而感到不快,因此決定實施他所謂的"激進誠實"。他說出任何時候他腦中所想的任何事,且經常為此付出代價。

        Ria TorresMonica Raymund,"Law and Order: SVU")是這個團隊中的最新成員,在洞察肢體語言方面頗有天賦,似乎 "天生" 就是個完美的"活測謊儀"--不需經過訓練,便能看透人們的內心。這種能力使得她在團隊中的作用極其重要--同事們忽略掉的細節,Ria往往能敏銳地注意到其中的蹊蹺。

       有趣的地方是,編劇會安排許多他們個人的感情描述,例如 ria的天賦,來自於暴力家庭的陰影,所以常常要察言觀色..;Gillian雖然可以看穿人的謊言,可是面對自己的老公謊言卻會盲目起來,透過他們對人情緒反影的解讀,我們似乎能夠更了解自己與他人(當然有些推理邏輯有點太武斷^^)。另外,劇情不乏一些人性中的矛盾,題材涉獵也很廣,從伊斯蘭的自殺炸彈客,到連環殺手,校園醜聞,政治醜聞....,連打肉毒桿菌,歐巴馬養小狗都提到....高度反映時事。基本上蠻有深度,蠻值得省思的一部影集,相當不錯。




Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot

Original Air Date—21 January 2009
Dr. Lightman and Dr. Foster search for the truth in cases involving a devoutly religious high school student accused of killing a teacher, and a congressman accused of having an affair.

Season 1, Episode 2: Moral Waiver

Original Air Date—28 January 2009
Lightman's team investigates cases involving a staff sergeant accused of raping a soldier, and a star college basketball player accused of taking a bribe from a wealthy booster.

Season 1, Episode 3: A Perfect Score

Original Air Date—4 February 2009
An investigation into the death of a judge's daughter leads Dr. Brightman to the girl's prep school, while Dr. Foster investigates a NASA pilot who crashed on a test flight.

Season 1, Episode 4: Love Always

Original Air Date—18 February 2009
The Lie to Me gang attends a high profile wedding where the father of the groom, a Korean ambassador, has been getting death threats.

Season 1, Episode 5: Unchained

Original Air Date—4 March 2009
The gang tackles 2 cases -- the suspicious death of a firefighter and the parole of a former gang leader.

Season 1, Episode 6: Do No Harm

Original Air Date—11 March 2009
Dr. Lightman and Dr. Foster tackle the case of a missing girl. Torres and Loker focus on whether a North Ugandan woman told the truth in her autobiography about the violence in her country.

Season 1, Episode 7: The Best Policy

Original Air Date—18 March 2009
Dr. Lightman and Torres investigate a drug company affiliated with one of Dr. Lightman's college friends. Dr. Foster and Loker help negotiate with Yemen for the release of two young Americans.

Season 1, Episode 8: Depraved Heart

Original Air Date—1 April 2009
Dr. Lightman and Torres investigate a spate of suicides in young Indian women. We discover that a suicide has helped shape Dr. Lightman. Meanwhile, Dr. Foster and Loker are at odds while they investigate a case of suspected SEC fraud.

Season 1, Episode 9: Life Is Priceless

Original Air Date—8 April 2009
Dr. Lightman and Dr. Foster help FEMA run a rescue operation on a collapsed construction site. Torres and Loker talk to the girlfriend of an internet billionaire.

Season 1, Episode 10: The Better Half

Original Air Date—22 April 2009
Dr. Lightman's ex-wife shows up, and asks him to tackle an arson case. Torres works the case of a drive by shooting that killed a member of a rapper's entourage.

Season 1, Episode 11: Undercover

Original Air Date—29 April 2009
Dr. Lightman and Dr. Foster investigate a police shooting that may be tied up with terrorists. Lawyers come to interview the staff in a class action lawsuit involving investor fraud in an earlier case. Loker and Torres's friendship is tested. Dr. Lightman digs deeper into what's going on with Dr. Foster's husband.

Season 1, Episode 12: Blinded

Original Air Date—6 May 2009
On behalf of the FBI, the Lightman Group works the case of a copycat serial rapist who blinds his victims. Lightman faces off against the original rapist, a master liar.

Season 1, Episode 13: Sacrifice

Original Air Date—13 May 2009
The whole Lightman group solves the case of terrorist bombings in the D.C. area. Dr. Foster has escalating problems with her marriage. Torres's boyfriend in the Secret Service is in danger.

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